Sunday, September 12, 2010

College Life

Dear Friends, Family, and Fans,
I am now a college student and time seems hard to grasp, but as I am getting older I am starting to put my priorities in line. I really would like to spend more time writing in my blogs. I am not sure if anybody even reads them but someday I am sure somebody might come across them and be amused or something. Being in college means less time at the zoo. I finished up Zoo Camp for the summer but I am planning on doing some overnights for Boo at the Zoo, etc.. As for being an Arctic Ambassador I am planning an event on 10/10/10 to make a difference. I am so far planning on winterizing the community garden here in my hometown. I have also started filming small documentaries for a future Wildlife Katie Show. Its quite fun, nothing too special yet but maybe it will become something. I also began reading, "Communication Skills for Conservation Professionals, By: Susan K. Jacobson," It is for Ph.D students but I wanted to get a bit of a head start on what my future should bring! Also Susan K. Jacobson is an associate professor in the department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida! (The school I hope someday to attend, possibly transfer or go to for grad school!) Well I have to go write up my first lab report on why cells are so small. Fascinating I know! Well my good readers I will talk again soon. ~Wildlife Katie

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