Friday, March 19, 2010

Polar Bears International: A little message from me

My recent trip to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada changed my life. It is hard to describe the trip in a simple paragraph. I saw the world at its best. I could smell the crisp clean air and I could see the northern lights and I could experience waking up and seeing wildlife all around me. There were polar bears right outside my window, and moms with cubs running after her, and giant males fighting on their hind feet. I saw artic hare, snow bunting, ptarmagin, ravens, snowy owls, arctic fox, and even ringed seals. The wildlife and nature was so beautiful. I saw the tundra barren land with trees that had branches on only one side due to the sharp wind. The northern lights took my breath away with their whimsical dances in the dark black sky. The friendship with the other teens that care about the earth just as much as I do and the friendship with the adult leaders was an unforgettable experience. I grew closer to these people that I spent a week in a Tundra Buggy with than kids I sit in a classroom with for several years of my life. I met so many different people on that trip and saw so many different things that my life can’t be the same as it was ever again. I waved goodbye to myself on that plane when I headed to Canada because I knew I can’t ever be that person again. I learned so much being up there in the wild. I learned about the polar bears and how global warming is affecting the arctic. I learned it is real and people do cause it. I learned that I could change that. I can make a difference in this world. I am and I will make a difference; this is why being a part of that Polar Bears International Team is important and makes up who I am as a person. I CARE. I care about the world and I care about the people. I care because I love life and because I know that if things continue they way they are with global warming death will come on swift wings. Polar bears are dying due to thin ice, and starvation because the seals are dying. The seals are the bears’ primary food source. The giant chain and web of life is all connected, once these guys die then the whole world will crash eventually. People should care too, maybe they don’t like polar bears but I am sure they like themselves or their familes. Don’t they want to live? Don’t they want to learn? The Inuit tribe are the indigenious people that live in Canada. Global warming is affecting them and they will die. Can we really live knowing that death is going to be going on? I want to stand and fight and save things because we can by doing simple things like turning off lights or saving water or buying recycled products. Little things add up to make a huge difference. It is just like me, I am a little tiny person and I am going to make a huge difference. I am going to try to change this world. This is how I am going to contribute to society. I will do it my whole life until I die because I am dedicated to connecting people with wildlife and nature. That is why I want to go into wildlife ecology and conservation as a career. I want to spread the message. I want to cause the CHANGE that is going to happen.

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