Thursday, April 22, 2010

Update from the hectic life

So much has happened and I haven't had time to update my blogs! I know I previously mentioned I was going to put my old blogs on here. I don't think I have time for that. Instead I will be writing about what is currently happening in life. Much more interesting right:? I am currently enjoying the company of my new addition to my life, Chuck. He is my pet hermit crab. Such a fun creature. I give him daily enrichment but I do know that I should be finding him a companion soon. (Her name will be Cindy). So then I can have my cute hermit crab couple. As for zoo life, I am working on my power point presentation on my wombat research. I have not been able to write blogs or do many zoo things because of my current intervention with the musical at my high school. Rehearsals are taking over my life. Anyways, the project sadly is coming to a close and I am going to miss my marsupial friends dearly. But on a good note, I am coming back to work in Zoo Camp again so I am really excited for my new boss Erin and seeing the new team they put together this year. I also recently applied for some scholarships from the women's board at the zoo. I DID receive a youth achievement scholarship from the Illinois Conservation Foundation, so that is exciting. Along the lines of school, I am getting my stuff figured out with Community College. I can't wait because then I will have time to do more volunteering in the Batavia Community. Our community garden project is starting up this weekend and I am excited. Well, I have to go grab some grub! I will let you know about my latest adventures when I have the chance. ~Wildlife Katie

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